So in an effort to keep up with this blog like I said I would, I'm going to throw in some posts here that don't necessarily have to do with my 30 day blog challenge (which I have obviously already failed).
Without going into too much detail about my life the past few days I have realized that I am the type of person who falls in love with the idea of love, and whenever someone I like comes along, I imagine what it would be like to be in love with that person, and I put together this picturesque scenario that I fall in love with (rather than falling in love with the person themselves). Therefore, when things don't work out, at times it can feel like I've just lost someone very important to me, rather than someone I've only spent a month shamelessly flirting with (this latter part more in reference to my most recent crush..or "crash"). It can be hard to remember not to be selfish when it comes to relationships, and that if there is a reason some situation did not work out, then it was probably for the best. It is difficult not to be mad and point the blame at the other person despite their honesty and the fact that really, they did nothing wrong. In essence, growing up itself is hard I suppose. Doing things like blaming someone else for something they didn't really do because you got hurt is extremely childish, and seeing as how I am far from a child I refuse to act like one in that sense.
After discussing this with my best friend today (more in depth with what really happened) the best text I got from her was: "Well, you're a highly intelligent girl, Em, just keep your head where it needs to be and honestly just try not to let yourself stay attached to him." For some reason this really hit me, mostly because I do a lot of letting my heart take over what my head is telling me not to do and I end up in situations like the one I am now-disappointed and sad. At what point did I decide that it was fair to not listen to the most logical part of myself which was clearly telling me that I should not get involved? The heart, as much as I adore all the cliche sayings about it, can also be dangerous and something to steer clear from if your head is sending you warning signals.
This was really more ramblings than anything else, just a way for me to get it out of my system so I'm sorry my readers (though far and few between) if it seems confusing or disoriented. My mind is racing faster than my keys can type it seems!
I will leave you with this wise bit of information (also in regards to my last post "Your First Love": eat chocolate, forget love! Not really of course :)