1. I have two double jointed fingers, and only two
2. I actually have coulrophobia (which is a phobia of clowns), I don't just think they're weird to look at
3. I rarely eat healthy
4. I would love to own a restaurant or a deli
5. I cannot wait to be a wife and mother, even if I don't want it to happen for at least 5-10 more years
6. I am never happier than I am during the summer and Christmas
7. I am relearning what it's like to be on my own, and it's a struggle
8. I have two older brothers, and know nothing about them even though they are a part of my life
9. I can rarely keep my mind focused on just one thing at one time
10. I still believe in falling in love and falling hard, even if I tell people I don't. It's what occupies a good chunk of my thoughts throughout the day
11. I consider at least once a day picking up and driving to NYC or Chicago
12. I fear where going to law school may take me simply because I don't want to be too far away from my parents
13. I cannot hold my back laughter or my facial expressions ever. No exceptions. I just can't do it.
14. I'm allergic to eel
15. I bite my cheeks when I'm nervous and I don't see myself being able to break that habit anytime soon
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